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Tag Archives: advertising with video production in toronto

Long Term B2B Value With YouTube

With both its long term discoverability and potential to educate your clients, the YouTube platform offers powerful benefits for B2B companies. And yet, in Oakville, YouTube is one of the most frequently overlooked social media platforms when it comes to B2B marketing.

Yes, YouTube is no longer the only social media platform for posting video (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter all offer video), however on these other platforms, organic views are all based on “feeds” which means that for a short period of time after the video is posted, it will be shown in the feed of some percentage of your followers, depending on factors such as the Facebook algorithm or whether a user accessed their account during the window of time a video might have appeared. This feed-based video distribution strategy can be successful for gaining lots of “Day One” views (organic or free viewership) and well-targeted paid campaigns can also be quite effective in the feeds.


But social video is not only about feeds, and for B2B video marketing success in Oakville, this distinction is key. B2B companies in usually have higher-ticket items and longer sales cycles than with B2C. During this longer cycle, potential clients in Oakville will research their future suppliers as much as they can and in multiple ways. Usually, they will turn to Google and YouTube for their research and end up watching many videos about the products these suppliers offer. And while on Facebook almost all views from a given week will be of your latest video, on YouTube almost all of your views from a given week will be of your best videos from the past.

Instead of being a feed-based social network, traffic on YouTube essentially comes from what is called, the four S’s: Sharing, Suggesting, Searching, and Subscribing. Potential B2B clients in Oakville usually find YouTube videos about your products because of one or more of the following factors:

Sharing: They were directed to your videos via a direct link from the an associate, the media, a salesperson directly, or a friend.

Suggesting: They saw one of your videos in the “suggested videos” column on the right-hand side of the page (while watching a different video).

Searching: They came across your videos by searching on YouTube or Google.

Subscribing: They subscribe to channels based on their interests and those channels talked about your products.
With the four S’s in mind, here are some simple ways to optimize Youtube marketing for your B2B business… Encourage Video Sharing

Get B2B bloggers and influencers to post links to your YouTube videos. Bloggers and influencers particularly like to post announcement videos and interviews (under four minutes) that feature Oakville industry success stories. A video is a great complement to press releases, and short how-to videos on your products can encourage bloggers and influencers to share your videos with their audiences.

Remember to also embed your youtube videos into your own website, blogs, eblasts, and newsletters. Encourage your existing audience and subscribers to like and share your videos and watch your audience and profits grow

Boost Views of Your Videos With Optimized Thumbnails

After sharing, most YouTube views tend to come as a result of your video being related to other videos. And one of the most important ways to get your videos in the “suggested videos” section of Youtube is to have proper custom thumbnails. the best thumbnails include very tight close-ups of faces, usually looking directly at the camera. Using photos of people who are speaking, eyes and teeth visible, expressive face, speaking mid-sentence, are very effective. Viewers wonder what he/she is saying, so they click to find out.

Your thumbnails can also benefit from a “branding stripe” running the full height of the left-hand side of the image. This is key because it makes them stand out in the suggested videos column. Remember, most people see these images very small (at just 120×68 pixels, to be exact), so the image has to stand out to attract attention.

Additionally, playlists are essential to driving suggested videos. This is because YouTube looks to playlists to understand which videos are related. There’s practically no limit to how many playlists you can create, and a single video can be in many different playlists. Playlists take almost no time to create, and encourage continuous viewing as well. A good playlist strategy is essential in any YouTube marketing campaign.

YouTube and Google Search Explained

Youtube Search: Contrary to popular belief, videos are not ranked in YouTube search by how many views they get. Rather, the algorithm looks for how long the videos encourage people to stay on the YouTube.com platform. So to succeed, B2B marketers must pay close attention to key metrics, such as how long people are watching individual videos and which videos are referring additional views back to the same channel. you’ll benefit by using YouTube analytics to take stock of what’s working and what isn’t, and use those learnings to structure the video content more appropriately for the YouTube audience.

Google Search: Often a YouTube video will come up in your Google search results. Optimized titles, tags, and description all help make this possible. Google can only index video by text and code. So for SEO purposes, the metadata around the Youtube video is actually more important than what is shown within the video itself. Doing an optional closed-caption transcript will also help Google better identify the content. These transcripts help both Google and YouTube search engines to index the video content better.

Subscriber Growth

In Youtube, subscribers are very important to gaining targeted views. An organic video can expect, on average, about 15% views per subscriber (without other influences). So a channel with 1,000 subscribers can generally expect about 150 views per video.

Thus it’s important to encourage your potential client base to subscribe to your YouTube channel in every way you encourage them to follow you on other social media platforms – via your website, email, etc. And, importantly, get them to subscribe via clickable links in your videos and descriptions. Then, each time they find themselves on YouTube.com, they will be more likely to have your videos automatically promoted to them. They may also receive email updates from YouTube as well. each subscriber you get will give you an advantage over your competitors.

YouTube is really a hybrid platform. With its high sharability, it’s more like Facebook or Twitter. But with its long-term discoverability, its ability for driving B2B leads in Toronto can be more like a content-marketing blog. This is because once a video is indexed in a search engine, it will stay there. The video can then become a primary traffic driver to other content pieces or as a top lead conversion source. The possibilities with the Youtube platform for B2B companies in Oakville are really endless. All the more reason for Toronto companies to invest in video production content on a regular basis and in properly utilizing the Youtube platform.

Video Production – Talking Heads

Talking-head videos are a useful tool in building a brand. An onscreen spokesperson discussing the benefits of your products and services or showing demonstrations on how to properly use them has proven results. Many small or micro sized companies in Oakville are also getting in on the mix of creating regular talking-head video blogs to boost sales. Often times, to save on the cost of hiring onscreen talent, most companies choose a member of their team to be the spokesperson. However, going this route will require you to put in the work of finding the right person for this job.

In addition to developing quality content for your series and choosing a reputed video production company to produce them, it’s equally important that your onscreen spokesperson be good on camera and be a good representative of your brand. If your spokesperson comes off boring or monotoned, your videos probably won’t attract too much attention… no matter how good the content or production value. When choosing an onscreen spokesperson from your office staff, consider more than just one candidate.

Some important traits to look for in choosing your talking-head:

• Comfortable on camera.
• Projects passion and confidence.
• Speaks with varied intonation and natural body language.
• Should be able to improvise (a tasteful sense of humour always helps).
• Sounds intelligent.
• Has noticeable onscreen charisma.

Remember to choose someone genuine that your target customers will relate to. A video spokesperson directly reflects on your brand – whether positively or negatively. When produced properly, a talking-head video series can attract a lot of attention to your brand. Following these little tips in choosing the right video spokesperson can make a noticeable difference in viewer engagement and can possibly even help launch your brand into new levels of success.

Top 5 Reasons to Incorporate Video into Your Marketing Plan

It’s 2017 and as usual in early February, Oakville companies of all sizes are hitting the ground running launching new marketing campaigns for the opening quarter of the year. Thanks to the winds of change and modern technology, marketing tools and trends today are very different than they were in the past. With so many media platforms available in 2017, the attention span and patience of your audience is limited. Your target customers need to be able to engage your content quickly and understand your message in double time if you are to have any hope in converting them. And no other form of content is as effective in pulling this off as quality video content. Video as an integrated part of your marketing campaign ensures that your target customers will absorb your message in a way that will leave them wanting more.

Statistic – According to Forbes Insight, 50% of executives who viewed an online marketing video went on to make a purchase for their business.

If this statistic alone isn’t enough to convince you of the importance of video in your marketing campaign, here are 5 more reasons to make video marketing part of your company’s 2015 New Year’s resolution:

1. Captivating – Nothing holds attention better than a quality video. From animation and motion graphics to real-time demonstrations and interviews… the creative possibilities of video are endless.

2. Accessibility – Video enables you to communicate with your audience in a way that is engaging as well as easy. Whether on social media, YouTube, or on your own website, customers like the idea of a video that tells them exactly what they need to know and which also combines compelling images, narration, and music for a fuller experience.

3. Time Saving – Video has the power to communicate complex ideas in a quick and powerful way. As mentioned earlier, the attention span and patience of your audience is limited (in the social media world in particular). Very few people are willing to give the time of day to read some dry, long-winded case study about how a client saved 15% (or more) by switching car insurance providers. But deliver the same message in a 30 second to one minute online ad that is both amusing and informative and you’ll notice a huge difference in engagement.

4. Cost Effective – Seeking a strong return on investment? Video is the investment for you! When produced properly, video is the next best thing to personal selling and depending on the abilities of an individual sales person, video is often better. Online video has the power to sell people on your products and services on a global scale, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You would need a sales force of epic proportions on the level of sci-fi to be able to match this impact.

5. The Power of Storytelling – Customers buy from people and companies they know and trust. Getting to know you better and understanding who you are and why your company does what it does, helps to build trust. When produced properly, video tells your full story in an honest and highly complimentary manner that not only converts more customers but can also allow for your brand to even become iconic in time.

It’s 2017 and with broadband capabilities continuing to increase throughout much of the world, the scene has been set for more exponential growth of video consumption to an ever increasing number of platforms and devices. Video is no longer just some luxury marketing tool in it’s infancy utilized by early adopters. Video marketing is essential NOW. And those who aren’t already on board or who aren’t planning to get on board, will soon come to the realization that their marketing tactics will have been left in the dust of the early 2010’s allowing for your target customers to laugh and say the old cliche … “That’s so 5 years ago”!

Success In The Big City

In our 11 years of producing video production content in Oakville, we’ve come to understand one important fact: Oakville is a great city in which to do business. You’d be hard pressed to find a business professional in Oakville that disagrees. Between the treasure trove of corporations, industries, co-operative networks, and of course the large population, the opportunities for success and innovation in Oakville are truly endless. And let’s not forget all the business enabling venues: great restaurants, boutiques and cafes on every corner; exciting sports, activities, and a nightlife that attracts Hollywood stars. Oakville has all the furnishings to accommodate today’s business professional in almost every way.

That said, this abundance of industries, companies, and business professionals also makes for stiff competition regardless of your industry. Beyond maintaining high quality standards and methods, you must also be effective in communicating your company’s excellence to your target market and be successful in converting them into customers. This is where marketing plays an integral role. And as regards to marketing, according to latest statistics, no other marketing tool is as effective as video production for the conversion of new customers. Don’t believe me? Check out these 3 statistics provided by Brightcove:

• Using video on landing pages can increase conversion by 80%.

• Visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not.

• Video in email marketing has been shown to increase click-through rates by over 96%. In response, the number of marketers planning to use video in email campaigns has increased five times since the beginning of 2009.

Corporate video production has become one of the top marketing tools in the world today. With world wide brands increasing their video production budgets to unprecedented levels, online audiences and social media users are being converted through highly entertaining videos with celebrity interviews, professional acting and direction, incredible animation, effects, and even top notch hollywood style action stunts – as seen in the Volvo Trucks “Epic Split” video with Jean-Claude Van Damme:

But that said, one does not need a multi million dollar budget to create powerful video content. It is true that a high level of video production quality is needed to capture and hold your audience’s attention but you certainly don’t need Hollywood production companies to create compelling video content.

All you really need is a trusted professional corporate video production company with many years of a experience, supported by an extensive and diverse portfolio and testimonials. The company you choose must also have an excellent creative team with vast knowledge of video production procedures and content marketing trends. When you find the video production partner that fits your individual needs and can provide  all of the above, then you are ready to move forward.

In short, Oakville is a major part of the golden horseshoe of Ontario. It is a vibrant entity with countless moving parts helping to create a strong Canadian economy and quality of life. At this moment, companies are being built, deals are being made, and countless successes are being attained. With the right vision, the right company, and these effective marketing tools, you’ll be on the fast track to finding your own success in the big city!

Professional vs User Generated Content

Video Production Oakville – Professional Video Content vs User Generated Content

User engagement with video content is higher than ever and the statistics prove it. According to eMarketer, potential buyers are 40% more likely to proactively contact a company after watching their video. In fact, 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide cite video as the type of content with the best ROI (eMarketer). Between interactive websites, YouTube, and social media platforms, Toronto corporations that have been utilizing video content are seeing tremendous benefits in conversion rates .

Many companies in Oakville who haven’t yet joined the new digital world of video content marketing are now hitting the ground running trying to catch up. Unfortunately, due to ignorance or lack of proper budget, some non-video professionals believe they can produce their company’s video content themselves by using a home camcorder or even through their smart phone or tablet–scary stuff.

The idea of a do-it-yourself or user-generated video production can seem very alluring for the micro-managing entrepreneur as well as for the middle management exec whose looking to stand out in the office. Why go through the trouble and spend the money to hire a professional Oakville video production company to produce your content when you can just produce it all yourself, right? More often than not, what they’re left with in the end is substandard video content that no one will ever watch due to the following:

• Shaky footage

• Shots with poor lighting (sometimes to the extent that you can’t even see the person’s eyes in the video)

• Amateur choice of room backdrops

• Person in the shot with a “greenish tint ” on their skin, making him/her look sickly, because of the fluorescent lighting in the office (no knowledge of colour balance, lighting, and camera white balancing)

• Lousy framing – diminishing the person in the shot

• Inaudible lines spoken from the person onscreen due to low consumer grade camera microphones, loud rumbling room tone from central air, and background noise from the office

• Amateur editing abilities and cheap editing software resulting in cheesy transition effects, on-screen text and titles, reminiscent of some of the early 80’s music videos

• Videos are way too long . . . no knowledge of modern trends for video duration

• Lack of script writing ability, concept development, and directing abilities . . . so often we see people (likely employees of the company) trying their hand at comedy and acting and delivering poorly written lines . . . sad to say we’ve all probably seen examples of this at one time or another. You know when you’ve seen one when it causes you to roll your eyes and sigh in aggravation

Bottom line the results of do-it-yourself corporate videos can be painfully subpar, totally irritating videos that smack of amateur handy work and that totally fail to deliver the message about the company’s products, services, and profile in the market. And if you think that production value doesn’t matter (that any video content is better than nothing) . . . here are some statistics that will prove this theory wrong.

• According to Comscore, professionally produced video optimized for eCommerce outperforms do-it-yourself or user-generated video by 30%.

• And Visible Measures reports that 20% of your viewers will click away from a video in less than 10 seconds. By the 30-second mark, you’ll lose 1/3 of your viewers. By the 1-minute mark you’ll lose 45% of your viewers.

With statistics like this, companies should not risk the integrity of their brand by producing videos through do-it-yourself means. From concept to completion, a video must be properly produced to capture attention in under 10 seconds and this is best attained by hiring a professional video production company with a proven track record for producing engaging video content.

In our 11 years of producing corporate video content in Oakville, we’ve witnessed the near death experiences of many a corporate marketing campaign and have been called in to save the day a countless number of times. Too often, the “in-house” produced footage was not salvageable and we had to re-produce everything from scratch.

Remember, saving money for your business is all well and good wherever possible but as we all know- time is money and to waste your time trying to produce a subpar video to the detriment of your brand is a waste of your marketing dollar.

Always go with the pros!

Professional vs DIY Web Design

Professional Web Design vs DIY Web Design

Need to develop a website? Thinking of using one of the many “Do-It-Yourself” web design sites? These sites claim to be the easy and affordable option, right? I’m sure you’ve all seen the ads on TV and Facebook telling us how easy and affordable it is to click together a website for your business using their platform. But is it really that affordable and easy? I often hear horror stories from new clients who have decided to seek out a professional when the ‘Do It Yourself’ web design route failed. In the interest of saving you time and money in the long term, I’ll explain why we should all steer clear of these DIY web design sites.

DIY websites just don’t work in the real world. Sure, web design themes and templates look great when you’re thinking about purchasing one—but when you actually go to customize and add your own content and information to the them, they just don’t usually work out. It can be very frustrating, you just can’t force someone else’s design to work for your content/web needs. Templates get the entire process backwards and result in very awkward websites.

DIY websites are not as simple as filling in the blanks. How many times have you seen a business website that is empty on some pages, un-balanced on others, and just appears to be an all around unfinished project? Chances are, these sites come from website creation services that sound good at the time, but very rarely end up with professional results. What they do end up with is your money, month after month, and your best intentions “to go in and make the needed improvements sometime soon.” Business professionals don’t have time to worry about this—that’s why they hire web design professionals instead.

DIY websites are not necessarily cheaper. Yes, pro quality web design does have an upfront cost. True, there is a fee to host your websites on a business-grade server (you should expect no less). But when you average out the total cost over 3 or so years—a reasonable life span for a website—you’ll most likely find that professional custom web design is every bit as affordable as paying month to month for a mediocre DIY all-in-one website/hosting service.

DIY websites don’t make the grade when it comes to SEO. SEO requires individual attention and professional experience to get it right. And the code has to be super speedy and impeccably clean for best results. These DIY sites may promise the moon for your SEO but the fact is they just can’t provide the kind of individual attention and customized solutions that you require to build a proper online presence for your company. At the very least, the basics of SEO are mandatory for any business that wants to be found on the web. Without it, you might as well not even exist. This is the unfortunate outcome for many business owners that choose the DYI option.

DIY websites aren’t created with an ROI mindset. Many choose to think of websites as an expense. But the bottom line is that your business website should be making you money and supporting your efforts to earn a profit offline. When working with professionals and clear goals, achieving an attractive return on your investment becomes a primary objective.

As technology improves in the future, so may the options for DYI web design platforms, but for the time being these sites are nowhere close to replacing the personal touch and attention of an experienced professional web development company. For more information, contact Groovy Concepts, corporate media specialists.

VR & 360 Video (Part One)

VR & 360 Video (Part One)

All it took was one epic James Cameron movie to cause a huge hype for 3D video viewing in Oakville. More than 15 years in the making, delayed in part by the need to develop the needed technology to make the film, Avatar was a visual masterpiece, and fundamentally changed expectations of the viewing experience in theatres throughout Oakville and the world.


It was also the first film to gross more than $2 billion, making it clear that 3D films were financially compelling as well. With its tremendous success, Avatar helped ignite public interest in 3D film and video production in Oakville. Consumer technology struggled to keep pace with early 3D TVs costing a fortune for home theatre enthusiasts. Yet 3D TV just never took off in Oakville for household viewing, and for good reason. First, you’d have to spend a lot extra on a TV that supported the technology, then you’d have to invest in enough glasses for everyone present to wear, and finally, you’d have to find content worth watching in 3D – all of which combined to be too big of a hurdle for most Oakville consumers. Recently, Samsung, the biggest TV manufacturer in the world, stopped producing 3D TVs. Other manufacturers have severely limited the number of models that will support 3D technology. The handful of TVs that do are really expensive, making it impossible for the average consumer to purchase a 3D TV, and leading many analysts to announce that 3D TV is either dying, or is already dead.

The new growing trends in Oakville in terms of video production are VR (virtual Reality) and 360 Video. Although these two new mediums seem to be a newer version of the old 3D format, there are many important differences between virtual reality video production, 360 video production, and 3D video production:

Virtual reality video production, when done correctly, is truly immersive and allows for rich interactivity within the video, plunging you into the midst of the action as a self-directed participant.

360 video is only interactive in the sense that you can change your viewpoint, and is not as high tech or as immersive as virtual reality.

3D video is not interactive, and isn’t dramatically different from regular video for viewers other than that it appears to be 3D instead of 2D.

Those important distinctions have significant ramifications for how videos are produced and stories are told through these different mediums. Virtual reality is uniquely suited to video games where the viewer is not passive, but fully engaged and participating in the storyline. 360 video production is ideal for allowing someone to explore a space and uncover elements of the plot for themselves, without becoming a character in the story. 3D video is best for your classic Hollywood storytelling format, just with some extra bells and whistles.

Click here to read part 2 of this article where we’ll take a look at some of the similarities between VR, 360 Video, and 3D… and not all of these similarities are good for the growth of these mediums!

VR & 360 Video (Part Two)

VR & 360 Video (Part Two)

In part one, we aimed to explain and highlight the distinctions between Virtual Reality video (VR), 360 video, and of course… the ever failing 3D video. In this week’s article we’ll be touching on the important similarities between these platforms. These particular similarities could be the deciding factors as to whether VR video and 360 video will take off in the consumer market and change the way the world views video or whether these new technologies will crash on take off… just like with their 3D video counterpart.


Similarities between VR, 360, and 3D video:

First of all, in Oakville, the cost is significantly higher to produce and consume virtual reality video, 360 video, and 3D video compared to regular video productions. Whether it’s the camera rig required to film it, the software needed to stitch the footage together, or the headsets you have to wear, it all adds up to more money for everyone involved in producing and watching these types of video.

There is a lack of quality content for these mediums. Although some Oakville brands have made big strides in recent months with 360 video production, there is a substantial lack of quality content available for each of these formats. Until there is a large, unique, and compelling library available, consumers probably won’t make the switch from standard video; as was the case with 3D TV.

Between the quality of the videos, the viewing mechanism, VR video, 360 video, and 3D video have all been known to cause motion sickness. Until you can be assured of a nausea-free experience, it might be hard to consider adopting any of these technologies as your regular viewing style.

With each of these formats, special accessories or a certain amount of space to move around in are required for optimal experiences. So, if you’re walking down the streets of Oakville, you can’t just participate in a virtual reality experience, and if you forgot your glasses, you won’t be seeing that video in 3D. It’s true that 360 video does a slightly better job with accessibility, especially when viewed on a desktop computer. However, if you’re viewing on a phone, you have to change the orientation of the phone by physically rotating it around you, while the headset experience is lacking in terms of quality. The accessibility of these technologies to potential viewers is a problem that needs to be solved before any of them can become mainstream.

Finally, due to design, the virtual reality and 360 video viewing experience is completely individual. You can’t sit down and watch a virtual reality video with someone; you need your headset and then you experience it completely by yourself. The same is true for 360 video. Even if someone is watching the same video, you might not choose to explore it from the same angles, so you won’t walk away with the same experience as anyone else. This takes away the social aspect of watching a video or a movie, and puts these technologies squarely in the realm of things you might do by yourself when you’re bored rather than a fun activity to experience with friends. By shifting where the viewing experience fits into our lives, the technology moves even more into niche territory.

Given that there are major obstacles to widespread adoption for virtual reality and 360 video production in Oakville and the rest of the world, what are the chances that these technologies will succeed commercially? At least for limited use-cases, there is definitely some hope. Virtual reality is a natural fit for video games, many of which look increasingly cinematic in terms of quality, and it could definitely become the new 3D cinema experience for movie-goers. That might help revive cinema in Oakville, and would allow people who aren’t willing to invest in their own headsets to still experience virtual reality in a controlled environment. 360 video has fewer challenges because it hands control over the perspective to the viewer, but isn’t truly interactive. Given that the barriers to entry are substantially lower than for virtual reality, it’s more likely to become more accessible in the future than virtual reality.

Being corporate video producers here in Oakville, we’re excited to see how these technologies evolve in the next few years!

Online video is the business card of the 21st century

Online video is the business card of the 21st century

As Canadian businesses shift more of their attention online, it’s more important than ever to understand the key trends being seen across the internet.

10 Online Video Trends Every Marketer Needs to Know

  1. According to ComScore, Canada continues to lead the world in online engagement,  with visitors spending an average 45 hours per month online, representing a fertile ground for digital marketers and advertisers.
  2. 181 million US internet users watched nearly 40 billion online videos in January 2012
  3. Smartphone penetration has reached 45% in Canada. Mobile content and online videos are finding new followers from the corporate world.According to Forbes Insights: “59% of executives prefer to watch video over reading text. Younger executives in particular appear more inclined not only to view video, but also to share it over the business-oriented “social” web. Their growing influence is likely to make business-related video even more prevalent in the coming years.”
  4. Nearly 85% of the internet audience viewed online video.
  5. 90% of shoppers find video useful when purchasing.
  6. People who view an engaging online video are 64% more likely to buy or explore the brand.
  7. Video traffic on mobile devices is now 50% of wireless network traffic.
  8. People using mobile devices – such as iPhone, Android, Blackberry and iPad – view online videos two and a half times longer than desktop users.
  9. In a keynote address at CES in January, YouTube’s VP of Global Content, Robert Kyncl, predicted that video would soon be 90% of internet traffic.
  10. More videos are uploaded in 60 days than the three major US networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) produced in 60 years

If 90% of all internet traffic will be for video – will people really bother with a website without video? Companies that don’t embrace video are at risk of being left behind.

Online video is no longer “the future”. Online video is here and it’s the newly accepted norm.

Video to drive foot traffic to your trade show booth

Video to drive foot traffic to your trade show booth

So you’re thinking about marketing your products or services at a trade show, conference or expo. You’ve designed your booth, complete with company banners, flyers, brochures and hand outs.

But how will you drive traffic to your exhibit? Video is ideal for the trade show environment.

Image two adjacent booths: a video playing at the booth on the left, no video at the one on the right. Which direction will heads turn? Research shows that a booth with a video gets more attention.

  • A video will increase the amount of time a potential client stays at your booth.
  • A video can remove the discomfort of establishing eye contact and gives your audience a less intimidating environment for them to view your company’s products and services.
  • A video helps to engage attendees who are passively walking past your booth by allowing you to gradually connect with them.
  • A video is also an ideal way to illustrate “before and after” results.

Set your booth apart from your competition at your next trade show with a video! Enhance your brand. Promote product visibility. Generate excitement about your products/services.